The photograph on the cover of Finn Holten Hansen's latest book, "De
Forsvundne Somre" (Vanished Summers), was taken by Morten Meilgaard during their hike
around Denmark during the German Occupation - the summer of 1944.
Morten & Manon's Photo Album
Morten with camera, 1960
Morten Meilgaard in Tokyo 1962
Stephen & Manon, Frydendalsvej, 1965
Doris and Justin, Mexico 1968
Justin, Manon & Stephen, Mexico 1972
Morten & Manon, le Val-Andre, France, Summer of 1979
Morten, July 2000 - West Bloomfield,
Manon & Gloria Nyegard,
July 2000 - West Bloomfield, USA
Manon & Morten, Sloane
Gardens - June, 2001
The Meilgaard Brothers, 2001
Morten, Manon in
the US, 2004